About this template
A fun and fast-paced game where students describe words creatively—without saying the no-go words!
How it works
This game is inspired by Taboo! and can be played in small groups or with the whole class.
Choose one student, or a group of students, as the clue-giver. They see the target word on the screen and need to come up with 5 related words as the no-go words which cannot be said to the guesser. Add the words into the checklist so the whole group or class can see.
Either tell the nominated guesser to leave the room or cover their ears!
One student is the guesser and sits with their back to the screen. They have one minute to guess the word based on the clues provided by the rest of the class (without saying the taboo words)!
The game continues with different pairs of students for an exciting, fast-paced game.